May 2, 2024 | Mobility, Softphone
CallHarbor is excited and ready to launch a brand new mobile app with high reviews, sure to satisfy all partner & customer needs. Our new mobile app CallHarborUC uses the latest audio and video codecs to offer a crystal-clear, stable experience. Need help...
Dec 1, 2023 | Softphone, Technology
A softphone is a type of software-based phone. That allows you to make phone calls over an internet connection without needing designated physical hardware. With a softphone, calls are placed using desktop software, mobile apps, or an internet browser–based...
Feb 16, 2022 | Softphone, VoIP
With so many different types of VoIP phones available, it can be difficult to know which one will fit in best with your company. For almost every business, the phone system in use is a vital part of the office. These days, it’s all about how your company communicates...